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Voice Recognition Over Radio - Final Progress Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
Findings are presented from a test and evaluation of the performance of voiced computer data entry and synthesized voice response over a standard police radio network using be Scope Electronics Inc. (SEI) Voice Data Entry Terminal System (VDETS).
Favorable results from this study would suggest further demonstration of the feasibility of using voice data entry and synthesized voice response to communicate directly with law enforcement computer facilities. This capability would then make it possible for field officers to make direct queries to crime information files without operator intervention and for field unit status and other call-for-service related information to be computer processed and automatically displayed to dispatchers or entered into a computer-aided dispatch system. The testing was done with the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department radio network. The VDETS operated with high recognition accuracy under clear channel laboratory conditions characterized by high signal-to-noise ratios and an absence of interfering transmissions, but VDETS performance over the radio links fell off rapidly as transmission distances and noise levels increased. Successful operation over the D.C. police radio network was not achieved. The channel conditions encountered indicate that successful operation of the voice recognition equipment will require significant redesign of the recognition logic to match the police radio network. An attachment outlines an engineering program designed to modify the VDETS speech recognition components for operation under signal conditions typical of the police radio network. Illustrative diagrams are provided.