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White House President's Commission on Model State Drug Laws Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
This executive summary of the final report of the President's Commission on Model State Drug Laws summarizes the Commission's model-legislation package for States to use in a comprehensive drug-control program.
The report first describes the formation of the Commission and Commission activities. A discussion of the development of effective responses to the drug problem notes that much of the proposed model legislation derives from actual legislation that has proven effective somewhere in the Nation. A discussion of the rationale for the Commission's legislative package advises that it focuses on a continuum of care. Much of the model legislation addresses prevention and education, as it targets some of its initiatives toward children and their parents and family members who care for them. Alcohol and tobacco are included within the Commission's definition of drugs of abuse. Most of the legislation that targets these drugs pertains to minors. The core of the report is a summary of the 44 model State drug laws and recommendations offered to State legislatures by the Commission. The statutes, policy statements, and legislative commentary are presented in full in each task force's volume of the final report. Five volumes present model drug-control legislative packages in the general areas of economic remedies; community mobilization; crimes code enforcement; treatment; and drug- free families, schools, and workplaces.