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White Paper on Crime 2001

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2003
299 pages
This report provides an overview of crime trends in Japan for the year 2000 and reviews the characteristics and treatment of offenders.
Part 1 of the report contains two chapters that outline crime trends in Japan for the year 2000. Chapter 1 presents six sections: section 1 overviews the penal code and presents trends in major and noteworthy penal code offenses; section 2 presents an overview and trend analysis of special law offenses; section 3 offers an analysis of financial and economic offenses, such as tax evasion and offenses related to bankruptcies; section 4 presents trends in election-related offenses; section 5 outlines trends in computer-related offenses; and section 6 discusses trends in firearm offenses. Chapter 2 presents offense trends by specific offenders and contains sections on organized crime groups, public official offenses, offenses by mentally disabled persons, extremist groups, and offenders with criminal histories. Part 2 of the report contains six chapters that discuss the treatment of offenders and relief for crime victims. Chapters 1 through 3 specifically discuss the treatment of offenders and the prosecution and trial process. Chapter 4 moves on to an analysis of the Japanese correctional system for adult offenders and looks specifically at imprisonment and treatment. Chapter 5 presents an overview of rehabilitative services, parole, probationary supervision, amnesties, and crime prevention activities. Chapter 6 discusses relief for crime victims and looks specifically at the damage done by crime, presents international comparisons, and considers the role of victims within the criminal justice system. Part 3 of the report turns to a discussion of juvenile delinquency and the treatment of juvenile offenders within the Japanese justice system. The two chapters in this section focus on characteristics of juvenile offenders, trends in juvenile special law offenses, the prosecution and trial process for juvenile offenders, and treatment and rehabilitation services provided to juvenile offenders. Finally, Part 4 of the report analyzes the increase of offenders and offenses in Japan. Chapter 1 discusses increasing General Penal Code offenses, with a focus on larceny; chapter 2 presents trends and dispositions of traffic offenses; chapter 3 overviews trends in drug offenses and treatment of drug offenders; and chapter 4 discusses the globalization of crime and crimes by foreign nationals. Figures, tables, appendix