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NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1993) Pages: 229-252
R Alexander
Date Published
24 pages
After proposing a comprehensive definition of wife- battering, this article examines the prevalence and causes of wife abuse in Australia.
The author concludes that "Wife-battering occurs where a husband or de facto husband, lover, or cohabitee deliberately inflicts any emotional and/or physical harm upon his present or former female spouse or partner." In including emotional abuse, this definition is more extensive than the other definitions assessed. It has the advantages of encompassing more cases by including any physical, emotional, or verbal abuse of either a minor or serious nature and by omitting the requirement of frequency. The author concludes that wife-battering is widespread in Australia. It is experienced by women from all socioeconomic classes, geographical areas, ethnic groups, occupations, and educational backgrounds. Emotional and physical abuse of women by men is an inevitable result of the generally oppressed role and position of women in Australian society and in the family unit. Sex-role socialization permits and encourages men to vent their general frustrations and to assert their dominance and power over women through physical and emotional abuse. Family changes, social and economic pressures, lack of social services and employment, and the psychological problems of the parties may accompany and aggravate abuse. Alcohol, financial worries, sexual incompatibility, emotional tension, and problems with children may be used to justify or explain individual cases; however, such factors are only contributory or catalytic and not the sole causes of domestic violence. The family system within society interacting with these factors explains the causes and prevalence of wife-battering in Australia. 45 references