NCJ Number
Date Published
December 1998
8 pages
Publication Series
This bulletin explains to youth how to start and conduct a project to prevent or reduce vandalism and graffiti and suggests some activities they can organize.
The discussion notes that vandalism includes smashing mailboxes, trashing someone's property, drawing graffiti on public places, breaking windows, and destroying abandoned buildings. Antivandalism activities can include repairing damage caused by vandalism, educating others about the costs of vandalism, sponsoring a graffiti paintout, and organizing the beautification of a plot of land that is piled high with trash. The steps involved in conducting an antivandalism or antigraffiti project are to choose a project, educate the public, repair damage, identify resources and make a plan, and recruit and train volunteers. Challenges in starting a project include maintaining interest, maintaining resources, and evaluating the project. Benefits of a project include a cleaner, safer neighborhood, increased community pride, and a greater sense of self-worth among members of the cleanup crew. List of resource organizations
Date Published: December 1, 1998
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