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Women Police and Social Change

NCJ Number
S Aleem
Date Published
121 pages
Based on the experience in Andhra Pradesh, this book attempts to project the role of women police as an agent of social change in India.
The book presents information on the numbers and current status of women police in India and also discusses the recruitment policy, training and promotion, functions and role, and the problems and challenge of the women's protection cell. Women initially entered India's police force in 1938, but the number was negligible until the 1980's when it increased to 500. An analysis of the functions assigned to women police suggest numerous areas for women police to act as agents of social change. A few potential social change functions include handling and investigating cases involving vice or sexual offenses, the rescuing of women/girls from sexual exploitation, taking on the role of social worker, and establishing truth in cases of unnatural dowry deaths of women and bride burning. 11 footnotes, 66 tables, and 3 appendixes