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Work and Post-Prison Adjustment - The Role of Employment in Reducing Economic and Emotional Problems Faced by Ex-Felons

NCJ Number
J K Liker
Date Published
289 pages
This study examines the economic and extra-economic benefits of employment among ex-felons.
Drawing on data from a field experiment involving about 2,000 ex-offenders released in Texas and Georgia in 1976, a nonrecursive model of the functions of employment was formulated and tested. Using three-stage least squares, employment was found to reduce emotional stress among ex-felons by providing both economic and 'extra-economic' benefits. Furthermore, there was some feedback effect in that emotional stress was found to reduce subsequent work activity, in turn further aggravating the stressful circumstances faced by the ex-felons. About 40 references and methodological information are appended. (Author abstract modified)