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Working With Manipulative Inmates, Correspondence Course, Books I and II and Final Test

NCJ Number
G Cornelius; R Rosetti
Date Published
239 pages
This correspondence course is designed to improve understanding of how and why inmates manipulate correctional staff.
The course's self-instructional format allows individuals to work at their own pace and during their free time. Course objectives relate to helping correctional staff identify inmates who have honest versus manipulative motives when interacting with staff. The first book of the course focuses specifically on inmate manipulation. Chapter 1 discusses the wants and needs of inmates and how they manipulate to satisfy them, Chapter 2 provides an overview of game playing from the inmate's perspective, and Chapter 3 explores the wants and needs of correctional staff and how they become hooked into game playing. The book also gives guidelines on how to avoid being manipulated. The second book of the course contains a hands-on exercise in how to avoid game playing and stop a game once it has begun. The third book of the course contains the final test.