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Working Together: A Team Effort

NCJ Number
E D Drake; A G Nelson; T H Roane
Date Published
21 pages
This self-instructional booklet for male victims of child sexual abuse guides such victims through their feelings and the procedures involved in the management of such cases.
The booklet begins with the assumption that the sexual abuse has been revealed to the authorities. The booklet assures the victim that a supportive network will help him through the difficult days ahead. The nature of child sexual abuse and why it is wrong and against the law is then discussed, followed by a general profile of adults who sexually abuse children. Guidelines for getting help include talking with persons knowledgeable about the sexual abuse of boys, learning that it is constructive to be angry about sexual abuse, developing communication with parents, and trusting that a supportive network will bring the victim through the crisis. The booklet discusses why sexual abuse happens; how a team of medical, social service, and criminal justice professionals can help resolve the crisis in a constructive way; and why reporting the abuse was the right thing to do. The discussion also covers why pleasurable bodily touches can bring bad results and constitute abuse. A primary emphasis of the booklet is that the victim is not to blame for the abuse or for the difficulties faced by the offender and the family as a result of the abuse having been revealed to the authorities.


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