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XYY Chromosomes and Crime

NCJ Number
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (1969) Pages: 5-19
R G Fox
Date Published
15 pages
After reviewing the history of research into the physical and behavior characteristics of males with XYY chromosomes, the author assesses the state-of-the-art and presents suggestions for future research.
Most females have a set of XX chromosomes, and the majority of males have an XY set. Much speculation and research has been done with respect to males carrying an extra Y chromosome (XYY). Some scientists have hypothesized that the extra male chromosome produces tall men, generally with below average intelligence, who behave aggressively or antisocially. A review of relevant research worldwide, however, fails to be conclusive regarding differences between XYY and XY males. The information gleaned from research so far undertaken is ambiguous, contradictory, and statistically inadequate. It provides but a flimsy suggestion that an XYY constitution produces a disposition toward deviant behavior. Information on XYY in the general population is lacking, and no extensive studies have been made of the incidence of XYY males in prison populations. This is particularly important since the American study of defective delinquents suggests the possibility of the incidence of XYY varying from one institutionalized antisocial group to another. The time is also right for some form of longitudinal study of XYY persons. It should be possible, with the aid of computers, to ascertain and record the chromosome structure of all new-born infants in a large hospital over a period of time and subsequently check police records to determine the significance of any criminal patterns that may develop in the population. Such research could also supply information on the incidence of XYY in the general population. Tabular data and footnotes are provided.


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