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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Grant Award Modification (GAM)

JustGrants Grant Award Modifications: Creating Programmatic and Financial GAMs

September 2020

This training video describes how to create programmatic and financial Grant Award Modifications (GAMs) in JustGrants. The purpose of a GAM is to update award details. Video run time: 7 min. 19 sec.

To learn more about JustGrants, DOJ’s grants management system, visit the Justice Grants Website.

"General Conditions" for OJP Awards in FY 2022

OJP expects that all (or virtually all) awards made in FY 2022 will include all of the award conditions set out below.

Individual awards typically also will include additional award conditions. Those additional conditions may relate to the particular statute, program, or solicitation under which the award is made; to the substance of the funded application; to the recipient's performance under other federal awards; to...

"General Conditions" for OJP Awards in FY 2023

OJP expects that all (or virtually all) awards made in FY 2023 will include all of the award conditions set out below.

Individual awards typically also will include additional award conditions. Those additional conditions may relate to the particular statute, program, or solicitation under which the award is made; to the substance of the funded application; to the recipient's performance under other federal awards; to...

Grantee Update #3: Updated Guidance on Short Term Administrative Relief for Grantees Impacted by COVID-19

June 22, 2020

Dear OJP Award Recipients—

On June 18, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued OMB memorandum M-20-26, “Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations,” extending certain flexibilities for administrative relief to funding recipients affected by the loss of operational capacity due to...

2019 OJP Grant Application Resource Guide

Archival Notice

This is an archive page that is no longer being updated, it is provided for reference purposes only.  It was current when produced, but is no longer being maintained, the content may be outdated and may contain links that no longer function as originally intended.  Please visit the current OJP Grant Application Resource Guide for the latest updates and resources.

The 2019 Office of...

Grantee Update #2: Guidance on Short Term Administrative Relief for Grantees Impacted by COVID-19

March 21, 2020

Dear OJP Award Recipients—

On March 19, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued OMB memorandum M-20-17, “Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations,” affording Federal awarding agencies with additional flexibilities to provide administrative relief to funding recipients affected by the loss of...