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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


The Impact of 40 Years of VOCA: Conversations With the Field: Episode 2

November 2024
Learn about the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), which was signed into law 40 years ago on October 12, 1984. This episode features a conversation between Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Director Kristina Rose and Victim Advocacy Corps Program leader Abrianna Morales and student fellows Thanh Nguyen and Grace Chungu as they discuss the impact of VOCA and the future of victim services.

The Impact of 40 Years of VOCA: Conversations With the Field: Episode 1

November 2024
Learn about the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), which was signed into law 40 years ago on October 12, 1984. Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Director Kristina Rose and prominent victim advocates Steve Siegel, Herman Millholland, and Anne Seymour discuss the history of VOCA and highlight major accomplishments of the victim services field over the past four decades.

A Conversation With Nancy Blaney: Shelter Services for Survivors and Their Companion Animals

October 2023
Learn how the need for secure housing for victims of crime and their companion animals led to the creation of the Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program. Office for Victims of Crime Director Kristina Rose and Nancy Blaney, Director of Government Affairs at the Animal Welfare Institute, speak about how this program is ensuring that victims and their pets can access shelter services.

The Power of Prosecutors

September 2023
Every day, Joe Platania and his office make complex judgment calls that help decide whether people will spend years or even decades behind bars. During this episode, Platania explains how this process of “prosecutorial discretion” works.

SAKI—Bringing Justice to Georgia

May 2023
During this episode, hear how National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative funding helped the state of Georgia process a backlog of sexual assault kits, which led to the identification and conviction of a serial rapist.

The 54th Mile Project

April 2023
During this episode, three Black law enforcement leaders discuss why they walked 54 miles from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama—retracing the route of a famous 1965 civil rights march—and how their journey changed their professional and personal lives.

Community Violence Intervention

June 2022

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Amy Solomon and Senior Advisor Eddie Bocanegra team up in this Justice Today podcast to discuss community violence intervention.  Bocanegra discusses his own experience with gang violence and incarceration and his work in OJP to help the Biden Administration tackle community-based violence.  This episode was recorded before the FY 2022 Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative grant solicitation closed.