Police chiefs
Development & Operations Roadmap for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces
Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Protocol Development Checklists
Maximizing Justice: Building a Prosecution Review Process
Development & Operations Roadmap for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces
Enhancing Response to Victims: A Formative Evaluation of OVC’s Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services (LEV) Program
Perceptions of Service Recipients from the Street Level. A Response to LaFrance and Lees "Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Differential Perceptions of the Residents. They Serve An Exploration and Preliminary Rationale
Robin Engel on Police Reform and Public Safety
The 54th Mile Project
What's Known and Unknown about Marijuana (Part One)
Marijuana poses many challenges for researchers, law enforcement, and policy makers, challenges that fall into two fields: drug chemistry and toxicology. NIJ scientist Dr. Frances Scott joins this episode to explain the complications in drug chemistry and how difficulties defining marijuana lead to backlogs in crime labs around the country. NIJ Communications Assistant Josh Mondoro hosts.
Reading and Resources from NIJ:
Human Trafficking Task Force Protocol Development Training Video Series
The AMBER Advocate, Issue 3 and 4 2023
International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference and Exposition
San Diego, CA
It's More Complex Than You Think: A Chief's Guide to DNA
International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference and Exposition
Dallas, TX