Sexual orientation
Traumatic Incidents and Experiences of Racism and Sexism: Examining Associations with Components of Critical Consciousness for System-Involved Girls of Color
Traumatic Incidents and Experiences of Racism and Sexism: Examining Associations with Components of Critical Consciousness for System-Involved Girls of Color
Violent Victimization by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, 2017–2020
Violent Victimization by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, 2017–2020
Hate Crime Recorded by Law Enforcement, 2010-2019
Victimization and Resilience Among Sexual and Gender Minority Homeless Youth Engaging in Survival Sex
Victimization and Resilience Among Sexual and Gender Minority Homeless Youth Engaging in Survival Sex
Hate Crime Victimization, 2005-2019
Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2020
Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2020
Trauma Responsiveness in an Integrated Workforce Service Delivery System
How School, Family, and Community Protective Factors Can Help Youth Who Have Experienced Maltreatment
How School, Family, and Community Protective Factors Can Help Youth Who Have Experienced Maltreatment
Improving Measurement of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Among Middle and High School Students
Sexual Orientation and Borderline Personality Disorder Features in a Community Sample of Adolescents
Investigating Hate Crimes on the Internet
Profile of Prison Inmates, 2016
Comparison of the Patterns and Degrees of Sexual Dimorphism Among Crania From Late 19th to Early 20th Century West Africans, African Americans, and European Americans
Equal Employment Opportunity Program Instructions
1. Purpose
This Instruction defines the various Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Employment Programs of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). It provides the procedures and guidance for initiating and processing complaints alleging discrimination, those agencies and officials responsible for the timely and judicious handling of EEO complaint matters, and the rights and responsibilities of persons participating in the EEO complaint process.