Provides the number of HIV-positive and active AIDS cases among prisoners held in each state and the federal prison system at yearend 1999. For prisons the report provides data on the number of AIDS-related deaths, HIV-testing policies, a breakdown for women and men with AIDS, and comparisons to AIDS rates in the general populations. Based on the 1999 Census of Jails, the report also provides data on the number of HIV positive jail inmates (total and broken down by jurisdiction size), and the number of aids-related deaths among jail inmates.
- Between 1995 and 1999 the number of HIV-positive prisoners grew at a slower rate (6%) than the overall prison population (19%).
- The overall rate of confirmed AIDS among the nation's prison population (0.60%) was 5 times the rate in the U.S. general population (0.12%).
- In a 1-month period, June 2000, facilities in Indian country admitted 7,151 inmates and discharged 7,201 inmates.
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