NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2011
25 pages
Publication Series
This document from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs contains the 2008-2009 Report to Congress on the work of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program.
A summary of information about the performance of Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) grantees and subgrantees for the 2008 and 2009 reporting periods includes: more than 440,000 youth were served by programs during these two reporting periods; 19 percent (301 of 1,645) of programs in 2008 and 21 percent (309 of 1,462) of programs in 2009 reported using an evidence-based program or practice; 63 percent (149,756 of 239,485) of program youth in 2008 and 73 percent (142,101 of 195,257) of program youth in 2009 exhibited a desirable change in targeted behavior; 78 percent (152,051 of 196,038) of youth who exited a program in 2008 and 77 percent (99,109 of 128,827) of youth who exited a program in 2009 successfully completed program requirements; and 16 percent of program youth reoffended during the program period in 2008 while 20 percent reoffended during the program period in 2009. This 2008-2009 report to Congress from the Office of Justice Programs presents an overview and analysis of performance data for the 2008 and 2009 reporting cycles; contains basic discussions of how States used their JABG funds during this period; contains a description of activities under the Tribal Juvenile Accountability Discretionary Grants program; and presents details on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) support for the programs funded through the JABG program. The JABG program awards Federal formula and block grants to States, which pass 75 percent of the funds on to local governments, to implement accountability-based programs and services to improve and strengthen the juvenile justice systems. Exhibits
Date Published: March 1, 2011
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