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Community Policing: An Approach to Youth Gangs in a Medium-Sized City

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 60 Issue: 8 Dated: (August 1993) Pages: 80-84
J Weston
Date Published
5 pages
In the mid-1980's, coinciding with a period when Reno, Nevada, was experiencing increasing law enforcement problems associated with youth gangs, the police chief instituted a policy of community policing. This change led to the abandonment of the enforcement-oriented war against gangs and to the formation of the Community Action Team (CAT) designed to work with the community on a range of youth gang issues.
The CAT team was assembled after input from minority community leaders, service agencies, and local politicians. A general order defining what comprised a gang and the manner in which police would collect intelligence was written with considerable public consultation. The CAT targeted the top 5 percent of violent gang members through a repeat offenders program, while coordinating efforts to address the large majority of gang members who were not involved in criminal activity. CAT officers became involved in programs designed to deter gang membership including a job program with local tradesmen as well as counseling, education, and referral services. Neighborhood Advisory Groups (NAGs) were developed to solicit feedback from the community. The CAT media policy was implemented to allow two-way communication between the department and the press.


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