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Discipline in the Classroom: What's in Your Bag of Tricks?

NCJ Number
School Safety Update Dated: (February 1995) Pages: complete issue
J L Arnette
Date Published
8 pages
These articles present techniques for effective classroom discipline and discuss juvenile violence prevention and juvenile delinquency prevention.

Effective behavior managers are competent in four skill categories: preventive planning techniques, anticipatory response techniques, assertiveness, and corrective consequences. Specific techniques include teacher movement, modeling, ensuring that students are actively involved in classroom activities, and attention and approval. Standing near the misbehaving student, using appropriate body language, and speaking in a fluent manner with even cadence and rhythm are important components of assertive communication. Effective behavior management is a dynamic process. Evaluations of youth violent reduction programs have indicated that comprehensive problemsolving programs demonstrate long-term effectiveness, whereas psychotherapy alone does not prevent or reduce violence and intensive casework is ineffective. Programs that try to change peer group norms appear to be ineffective; the effects of peer mediation and conflict resolution have not yet been evaluated. Several communities have developed promising strategies for juvenile delinquency prevention. Discussion of 1995 School Safety Leadership Training program and schedule