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Evaluation of Phase 3 of the Portsmouth, Virginia Police Department's Integrated Criminal Apprehension Program - Final Report

NCJ Number
W Pindur
Date Published
479 pages
The report contains studies evaluating various Integrated Criminal Apprehension Program (ICAP) services of the Portsmouth Police Department (Virginia), with attention to the telephone reporting system, the patrol aide program, organizational development training, the crime analysis unit, the tele-serv unit, and productivity in criminal investigations management.
The studies are based on observation of departmental procedures, data collected through departmental and citizen surveys, analysis of police department records, onsite observations, and meetings with police personnel. The crime analysis unit, involving data collection, collation, analysis, dissemination, and feedback to police operational units, has maintained an effective working relationship with patrol and investigative officers. Crime analysis bulletins have led to the implementation of various crime prevention strategies, and the unit was rated positively by the department's officers. The link between crime analysis and directed patrol should be further improved and contact between crime analysis and crime prevention units be increased. The tele-serv unit, which takes offense reports and serves as an equipment issuance and control center as an information center for citizens and police, is working effectively and is approved by most citizens. The patrol aide program is effectively meeting its goals of freeing patrol officers from routine duties and training young people in police work. Police/prosecutor relationships have improved since the implementation of the managing criminal investigations program, and productivity measures for investigators and investigative units have led to improved performance. Most police officers approve of the department and the ICAP program. Finally, an organizational development and team building workshop for department middle managers improved efficiency and reduced conflict among staff. Tabular and graphic data are provided, and the survey instruments are appended.