Juvenile courts
The Unique Role of the Judge in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: Advice From the Field
Mentoring in Juvenile Treatment Drug Courts: Strategies and Tips
Preparing for a Trauma Consultation in Your Juvenile and Family Court
Missing Children, State Care, and Child Sex Trafficking: Engaging the Judiciary in Building a Collaborative Response
The Evolving Role of the Prosecutor in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: Advice From the Field
Individualizing Responses to Motivate Behavior Change in Youth: A Four-Pronged Approach
Environmental Considerations for Trauma-Responsive Juvenile and Family Courts: A Review of the Literature With Recommendations for Practice
Exposure to Violence, Trauma, and Juvenile Court Involvement: A Longitudinal Analysis of Mobile Youth and Poverty Study Data (1998-2011)
A Juvenile Defender's Guide to Conquering Collateral Consequences
Opportunities & Awards
Search OJP Funding Opportunities & Awards
The Explore section of the Funding Resource Center will help you find solicitations to apply to and requirements you should review before applying. For a helpful search filter for all of OJP's funding opportunities, use the DOJ Program Plan. Once you find an opportunity that may fit your organization, refer to the list of Open OJP Solicitations for the full text of the funding opportunity.
State Administering Agencies
Many OJP formula grants are awarded directly to state governments, which then set priorities and allocate funds within that state. For more information on how a state intends to distribute formula grant funds, contact the administering state agency. For each state, a list of formula grant points of contact is available by clicking on that state in the map below, or choosing from the drop menu at the bottom of the page. If you are using grant monies for information technology, you can comply with the special condition by contacting the State and Territory Technology Points of Contact in your state