The Associations Between Substance Use, Sexual Behaviors, Bullying, Deviant Behaviors, Health, and Cyber Dating Abuse Perpetration
Preventing Teen Pregnancy and Academic Failure: Experimental Evaluation of a Developmentally Based Approach
Student Threat Assessment as a Safe and Supportive Prevention Strategy, Final Technical Report
Core Performance Standards: Promising Practices for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of Training and Technical Assistance
JUSTINFO Newsletter: November 1, 2019
- 2020 National Crime Victims' Rights Week theme now available – Seek Justice | Ensure Victims' Rights | Inspire Hope | OVC
- Comments requested on the proposed extension of a currently approved data collection: Capital Punishment Report of Inmates Under Sentence of Death | BJS
- Deadline approaching for the 2020 National Missing Children's Day awards – submit nominations by November 14 | OJJDP
- Submit comments...
School Safety
The School Safety Special Feature provides access to federal and federally-funded publications and online resources related to crime and safety in schools.
Campus Safety
The Campus Safety Special Feature provides access to OJP and other federal and federally-funded publications and online resources related to crime, crime prevention, and substance use on university and college campuses.