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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Federal Report Emphasizes State, Local Role in School Safety


Federal Commission on School Safety Report

The Federal Commission on School Safety's final report includes grant funding, information and research through the Office of Justice Programs as important ways to help states and local communities implement initiatives that protect their students, teachers and staff members.

The report highlights, among other products, OJP's toolkits on police-mental health collaboration and helping victims of mass violence; research on indicators of school crime...


There is no single definition of a gang, but there are a number of widely accepted criteria for classifying groups as gangs (Decker and Curry, 2003; Esbensen et al., 2001; Klein, 1995; Miller, 1992; Spergel, 1995). This review used the following criteria: (1) the group has three or more members, generally aged 12-24; (2) members share an identity, typically linked to a name and/or symbols...

Law Enforcement Resources

OJP, along with DOJ partners, are committed to supporting and protecting America's law enforcement. Featured resources include officer safety & wellness, DOJ resources, VALOR, tribal law enforcement, and helping law enforcement combat opioids.

Civil Rights

The Office for Civil Rights at the Office of Justice Programs ensures that recipients of financial assistance from OJP, as well as the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Office on Violence Against Women, comply with federal laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, and disability. See Civil Rights Requirements for more information.

Recipients of financial assistance from OVW are also prohibited from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. For more information, see Nondiscrimination Grant Condition in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.

Employees, beneficiaries and applicants for employment or services of any of the above who believe that they have experienced unlawful discrimination may file a complaint.

The Investigative Findings page captures information for a selection of OCR investigations.


Director: Michael Alston
OCR Main Line: 202-307-0690
Fax: 202-354-4380
TDD/TTY: 202-307-2027
OCR E-mail: [email protected]


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