Federal government
Government Policies for Counteracting Violent Extremism
Government Policies for Counteracting Violent Extremism
Distinguishing Corruption in Law and Practice: Empirically Separating Conviction Charges From Underlying Behaviors
Entity User Experience Job Aid Reference Guide
Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 1990
Decontextualizing the War on Drugs: A Content Analysis of NIJ (National Institute of Justice) Publications and Their Neglect of Race and Class
Local Law Enforcement Needs Federal Support
Thinking About Crime: A Federal Perspective on a Local Issue
The Changing Boundaries Between Federal and Local Law Enforcement
Fraud Awareness
Access to federal and federally-funded resources on the prevention and investigation of fraud offenses and services for victims.
Distinguishing Corruption in Law and Practice: Empirically Separating Conviction Charges From Underlying Behaviors
The National Guidelines for Sex Offender Registration and Notification--Final Guidelines 2008
2010 OJP Annual Report: Mapping a Course
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) / Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Federal Medicolegal Death Investigation Interagency Working Group (MDI-IWG) Resource Page
The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established this Federal Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) Interagency Working Group (MDI-IWG) to coordinate Federal initiatives to strengthen the MDI system and support death investigation services practiced by medical examiner and coroner offices (ME/Cs) across the United States. The MDI-IWG...