Indian Country
Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country
SMART Watch, Spring 2013
SMART Watch, Summer 2008
SMART Watch, Winter 2009
SMART Watch, Summer 2009
SMART Watch, Spring 2012
SMART Watch Dispatch, March 2015
Sex Offender Registration and Notification in the United States: Current Case Law and Issues, December 2016
Sex Offender Registration and Notification in the United States: Current Case Law and Issues, March 2019
Incidence and Prevalence of Sexual Offending (Part II)
TECHBeat, September 2019
The AMBER Advocate, Issue 1 2020
AMBER Alert in Indian Country: Protecting Children in Tribal Communities
Office of Justice Programs Annual Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2013
Finding the Missing in Indian Country
It seems prescient that Juanita Adams' Lakota name, Omani Wi, means "woman on the longest walk." Because her last journey took 30 years—until she reached her final resting place with her family, in South Dakota's Badlands on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
A member of the Oglala Lakota Tribe, Juanita was 19 years old when she left Pine Ridge in 1978 to join the American Indian...
Law Enforcement Resources
OJP, along with DOJ partners, are committed to supporting and protecting America's law enforcement. Featured resources include officer safety & wellness, DOJ resources, VALOR, tribal law enforcement, and helping law enforcement combat opioids.