Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
All Is Not Pot That’s Green: An Overview of THC Isomers
Labeling with Love or Lethal Consequences for CBD Containing Products
Statistical Models to Predict Mental Illness Among State and Federal Prisoners
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Addiction Directors Annual Conference
Bethesda, MD
Best Practices in the Use of Restraints with Pregnant Women and Girls Under Correctional Custody
Heroin Use Among Southern Arrestees: Regional Findings From the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program
School Safety
The School Safety Special Feature provides access to federal and federally-funded publications and online resources related to crime and safety in schools.
Access information and resources from OJP and other federal agencies related to the reentry of individuals from incarceration.
Campus Safety
The Campus Safety Special Feature provides access to OJP and other federal and federally-funded publications and online resources related to crime, crime prevention, and substance use on university and college campuses.
2019 OJP Grant Application Resource Guide
Archival Notice
This is an archive page that is no longer being updated, it is provided for reference purposes only. It was current when produced, but is no longer being maintained, the content may be outdated and may contain links that no longer function as originally intended. Please visit the current OJP Grant Application Resource Guide for the latest updates and resources. |
The 2019 Office of...
Marshaling Resources to Address Addiction in the Midst of a Pandemic
Our nation is facing a challenging time. The ways in which many of us live our lives have been disrupted by a global pandemic. As our President has said, “defeating this unseen enemy requires the help and commitment of every single American,” and “[we] continue to marshal every resource at America’s disposal in the fight…”
During this time of restricted movement, changing infrastructure, and stretched...
Mental Health Response to Mass Violence and Terrorism: A Field Guide
Federal Agencies Work Toward Reducing Opioid Impact on Youth
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The anecdotal evidence is staggering: Children as young as 12 raising their siblings because their parents are lost in addiction; kids who learn to count by separating pills for drug-addicted parents; juveniles adjusting to life with sober foster parents after spending years learning to cope with parents who were always high.
These were just a few examples provided by the Department...