Use of force
Optimizing Body-Worn Cameras to Enhance Common Police Practices and Field Investigations
De-Escalation Training: Safer Communities and Safer Law Enforcement Officers
Depending on whom you ask, “de-escalation training” is either a miracle cure or a four-letter word.
As high-profile, deadly confrontations between law enforcement officers and civilians continue to generate widespread public concern, de-escalation training has been hailed as the solution for this seemingly intractable problem. Public officials and policy makers from across the political spectrum have embraced de-escalation training as the key to safer interactions...
Police Officer Use of Force Mindset and Street-Level Behavior
Police Officer Use of Force Mindset and Street-Level Behavior
Atomic force microscopy as a biophysical tool for nanoscale forensic investigations
Atomic force microscopy as a biophysical tool for nanoscale forensic investigations
Contacts Between Police and the Public, 2020
Contacts Between Police and the Public, 2020
Wearing Body Cameras Increases Assaults Against Officers and Does Not Reduce Police Use of Force: Results from a Global Multi-Site Experiment
State and Local Law Enforcement Training Academies, 2018 – Statistical Tables
Developing and Implementing Your Co-Responder Program
Report of the International Law Association's Sixty-Third Conference (Warsaw): Legal Problems of Extradition in Relation to Terrorist Offenses (Working Session), 26 August 1988
Future Domestic and International Terrorism: The FBI Perspective
Policing in the Post-Floyd Era: Use of Force and Community Engagement (Webinar)
Use of Force Investigations Guide (Webinar)
Use of Force in Jails
Sonoma, CA